Sunday, April 3, 2011

Paperback Book Collection

During the month of April we will be collecting paperback books for Pulaski County Detention Center (aka the Jail) located on Roosevelt Road in Little Rock. This is the 5th book collection we have participated in over the past 10 years.

With approximately 1,000 inmates rotating through the doors of the Jail constantly with not much else to do while waiting for their court dates, etc. books to read are a highly desirable diversion.

The Jail does not have a library (a legal library yes, as required by Arkansas law). Here's how it works: books are donated by churches like us, they are checked for appropriateness, cleared by the Security Officer, and wheeled on trolleys into the various 19 units of men and women. The books once in a unit are supposed to be shared among the group. But that's not what happens, unfortunately. Inmates often 'claim' them and the books never get returned to the trolleys. Or they get torn up for one reason or another. Anyway, the Jail goes through lots and lots of books.
Couple of Jail Rules:
  • Books must be PAPERBACKS
  • NO books specifically written to aid an inmate to orchestrate an escape

So it's a perfect time to do some Spring paperback book cleaning. Or for those of you that frequent yard sales, mention to those sellers who are always stuck with leftover paperbacks that you have the perfect place to donate them and take the books off of their hands. Place your donations in the wooden collection bins at PV.

Remember, idleness is the Devil's workshop; a good book to read might just help to keep the peace in a place where peace does not come naturally.


Huh? Odiogo doesn't sound like anything having to do with the PV Jail Ministry. And actually, it doesn't. However, Odiogo is a cool, FREE tool that changes text-to-speech. Mind you, it's not my speech (voice) that you will hear. Some unknown man's voice. But he gets the job done. Sort of like the unknown woman's voice that gives us all those directions on our GPS that I have dubbed "Samantha".

If I understand Odiogo, if one was so inclined, one could download our blog as a podcast on one's iPod, MP3, e-reader, etc.. Just trying to make our blog accessible to the masses in all the latest tech ways possible.

And if you have a blog (or two) of your own you may want to utilize Odiogo also. Took me less than a minute to install.

Hey, how about coming up with a name for our mysterious text-to-speech guy? Any suggestions?